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Themira nigricornis (Meigen, 1826)

(Originally described as Sepsis)


Specimen Photo Medium Resolution

Themira nigricornis. Male alcohol-vouchered specimen.

Deposited at:  Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Yuchen Ang
All Rights Reserved


Diagnosis Image

Diagnostic illustrations for adults

Adapted from:

Pont AC & Meier R (2002). The Sepsidae (Diptera) of Europe. Brill: 1-188.

Adult male recognised by the remarkable form and colour of the mid tarsomeres. Female recognised by the absence of postpronotal setae, entirely pruinose katepisternum, and partly yellow legs; it is most similar to paludosa, but can be reliably distinguished by the characters given in the key (Pont and Meier, 2002, p. 53).


Pont AC & Meier R (2002). The Sepsidae (Diptera) of Europe. Brill: 1-188.

Taxonomy Information


Sepsidae: Sepsinae: "Lower sepsids": Themira


THEMIRA NIGRICORNIS Meigen 1826 (as Sepsis). Germany (?): not stated [GERMANY, prorably Stolberg]. Holotype ♀ or Syntypes ♀♀, presumed destroyed.

falleni Staeger 1844 (as Sepsis). Denmark: Charlottenlund. Lectotype ♂, by designation of Pont in Pont & Meier, 2002: 89, in Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


Ozerov 2005, World Catalogue of the Family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera), Zoologicheskie issledovania 8.


Palaearctic (Asia): Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia (Altay, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Krasnoyarskiy Kray, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sverdlovskaya Oblast’, Tomskaya Oblast’, Tyumenskaya Oblast’), Turkmenistan.

Palaearctic (Europe): Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, UK, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia (Bryanskaya Oblast’, Kaluzhskaya Oblast’, Kurskaya Oblast’, Leningradskaya Oblast’, Lipetskaya Oblast’, Moskovskaya Oblast’, Novgorodskaya Oblast’, Permskaya Oblast’, Rostovskaya Oblast’, Smolenskaya Oblast’, Vladimirskaya Oblast’, Voronezhskaya Oblast’), Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Nearctic: USA (Alaska, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania).


Ozerov 2005, World Catalogue of the Family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera), Zoologicheskie issledovania 8.