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Sepsis bigemmis Duda, 1926


Specimen Photo Medium Resolution

Sepsis bigemmis. Male lectotype specimen.

Deposited at:  Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt- Universität, Berlin (Germany)

Yuchen Ang
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Diagnosis Image

Diagnostic illustrations for adults

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Taxonomy Information


Sepsidae: Sepsinae: "Higher sepsids": Sepsis


SEPSIS BIGEMMIS Duda 1926. Uganda: Katona. Lectotype ♂, in Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt- Universität, Berlin, Germany. [As a variety of lateralis Wiedemann].

ibalensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "riv. Kiondo ya Kwanza, 2030m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

komboensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "riv. Lusilube, 2085m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

mulunguensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "vallée du mont Mulungu, 2600m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

hangiensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "riv. KaTel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel leko, 2060m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

muhengeterensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "mont Mulungu, 2600m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

mbulikererensis Vanschuytbroeck 1963. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Virunga National Parc: "riv. Mbulikerere, affl. riv. Talya Nord, 2720m". Holotype ♂, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.

muhengeteraensis. Incorrect subsequent spelling of muhengeterensis Vanschuytbroeck [Vanschuytbroeck, 1963a: 10, 17].


Ozerov AL (2005). World Catalogue of the Family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera). Zoologicheskie issledovania 8.


Afrotropical: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Madagaskar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda.


Ozerov AL (2005). World Catalogue of the Family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera). Zoologicheskie issledovania 8.